Addiction Counselor
Addiction Specialist
Addiction Therapist
Addictions Counselor
Adolescent Substance Abuse Program Coordinator
Alcohol and Drug Counselor
Alcoholic Counselor
Assessment Specialist
Behavior Therapist
Behavioral Analyst
Behavioral Specialist
Case Manager
Certified Abuse and Drug Addiction Counselor
Certified Addictions Counselor
Certified Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselor (CADAC)
Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor
Certified Alcohol Counselor
Certified Chemical Dependency Counselor
Certified Drug Counselor
Certified Substance Abuse Counselor
Chemical Dependancy Counselor
Chemical Dependency Counselor (CD Counselor)
Chemical Dependency Professional
Clinical Counselor
Clinical Director
Clinical Manager
Clinical Supervisor
Direct Care Counselor
Domestic Violence Advocate
Domestic Violence Counselor
Drug Abuse Counselor
Drug Abuse Technician
Drug Aftercare Counselor
Drug Counselor
Drug or Alcohol Abuse Human Relations Counselor
Employee Assistance Program Counselor (EAP Counselor)
Group Counselor
Group Home Counselor
Licensed Addiction Counselor (LAC)
Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW)
Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC)
Licensed Social Worker
Mental Health Counselor
Mental Health Therapist
Outreach Worker
Prevention Specialist
Primary Substance Abuse Counselor
Psychiatric Social Worker
Quitline Counselor
Residential Substance Abuse Counselor
Social Worker
Student Assistance Counselor
Substance Abuse Counselor (SA Counselor)
Substance Abuse Specialist
Treatment Coordinator
Treatment Counselor
Youth Counselor